Ecological Literacy through Permaculture Education.

Bundjalung Country

We consider the vital connection to the elements of nature to be integral to learning and offer practical skills that can be utilised every day in your own garden space or working environment. Being based in the Magical Bundjalung Country - the Northern Rivers 'Rainbow Region' of Northern New South Wales, Australia, 'Growing Roots' offers a huge range of functional and cutting edge experimental permaculture systems for students to explore. From the intensive, highly productive market gardens of ‘The Farm’ at Byron Bay through to Rural Food Forests, Agroforestry Systems, Bush Tukka Gardens and the Great Wilderness of our Subtropical and Cool Temperate Rainforests, the teachings of nature - and humans creative dance within it - are vast and profound. We utilise the following 12 principles of Permaculture.

Food - Fuel - Fiber

The Growing Roots Team are inspired to Produce High Quality, Nutrient Dense, Organic Food, Fuel and Fibres and deliver Empowering experiences and knowledge with a flair for creative, fun group interaction and hands-on learning within quality, ethical, real world projects. We believe that Permaculture Education is an amazing opportunity for the development of ecological understanding, self-awareness and empowerment in practical, creative expression on many levels. We appreciate that students learn most successfully from a range of diverse sensory experiences and pay homage to the Dynamic Group Facilitation Work of Permaculture Pioneer Robin Clayfield. We would also like to acknowledge our training ground of Northey Street City Farm in Brisbane as a long running and ongoing inspiration in the empowerment of people from all walks of life through the practical application of Principles of Permaculture. In our courses and internships we offer a range of very practical, hands-on learning experiences in the garden - compost making, no-dig garden beds, successional agroforestry, planting food forests and bush tukka trees, pruning and maintaining established fruit trees, plant propagation, saving seed, animal care and more.


Permaculture Principles - David Holmgren

1/ Observe and Interact

2/ Catch and Store Energy

3/ Obtain a Yield

4/ Apply self-regulation and accept feedback

5/ Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services

6/ Produce no waste

7/ Design From Patterns to details

8/ Integrate Rather than Segregate

9/ Use Small and Slow Solutions

10/ Use and Value Diversity

11/ Use edges and value the marginal

12/ Creatively use and respond to change

Here is a beautiful celebration of what I have been up to the last few years. Since the start of covid there has been an overwhelming interest in the work I have been chipping away at for decades. Its been an exciting but really challenging time. Huge disruption, community division, devastating floods and lots of personal challenge amongst it all. I am so grateful through this time to have this project to keep me grounded in what is real and valuable in this world for me. Huge gratitude to Flavia Assuncao @luacristalvermelha for her dedication, hard work and inspiration to keep going with it all thru this time. Huge gratitude too for lightning man Evan Benson Anderson for his vision, hard work and initiative - and so much learning from your own whacky genius in the plant world. Appreciation too for The Farm at Byron Bay - I am inspired by the potential for what this space can evolve into. So too Three Blue Ducks Byron Bay for supporting our produce and being prepared to try the new and experiment with what seasonal produce this land and our regenerative growing systems can offer up through floods, drought and whatever the world throws at us. And to Paul Daley of a lush forest and Peter Hunt for your artistry in this work. Both of you are incredibly talented artists - and your friendship, dedication to your art and integrity as humans is a constant inspiration to me.

And after years of evolving Growing Roots as a business, we now have the bones of a website to share our work more broadly - I look forward to more time to develop this site - gratitude to Aidan Postle for this intiative and Flavia Assuncao here for hours and hours of work behind the camera capturing images to share our projects. See more of her work at @livingagroecology. And immense appreciation of the whole Living Agroecology team and all the keen volunteers so willingly supporting the project and embodying the ethos of 'learning while doing' which has built the foundations of this project.

Paul Daley visits The Living Classroom on The Farm @ Byron Bay where a partnership between Bunya Halasz of Growing Roots Permaculture, Evan Anderson @HungryEarthAgroecology and Dr Kevin Glencross is pushing the boundaries of food production by integrating agroforestry, market gardening, inter-cropping, permaculture, ecological succession and art; all within an intensive 2 acre production market garden.

December 2019

Belly- Bay FM Interview Part 1

Belly BayFM Part 2

Listen up

Belly BayFM Part 3

Belly Bay FM Part 4

Belly-Bay FM Part 5

Belly Bay FM Part 6